Thursday, December 31, 2009

In Which Kanga Gives 2009 A Gentle Push

...out the door.

This was a rough year. The (sole) highlight was the arrival of Roo #2, who delights us every day simply by being here.

Working in opposition to this joy were: ongoing work-related drama, the expected struggles that take place when adjusting your family to two new members in rapid succession, a true loss of social network (aside from my burgeoning Twitter and FB presence, ha), friends' health challenges and tragic losses, and -- for the first time in my life -- an unpleasant sense of ennui, aimlessness and impending failure.

Not doom, mind you. Just failure.

I'm carving out a plan to address this incipient haziness, this lack of focus, and I have to say I am excited for the tabula rasa that comes knocking at my door in two hours and 17 minutes.

Happy new year!

Monday, November 9, 2009

In Which Kanga Realizes It's Been Much Too Long

...since I posted. Much has changed. Much has happened.

First of all, we welcomed Roo #2 (also a J) on May 12. Her birth went smoothly, and I was lucky enough to have the same delivery team as last time, with the exception of the anesthetist. The new one was also wonderful, of course. St. Vincent's FTW!

Second, I've gradually realized that the name of this blog is woefully inappropriate. I wouldn't care much about changing it, except that I do plan to begin writing more (my friend N raises a skeptical eyebrow), and topics will include but certainly not be limited to the issues surrounding information professionals in creative fields.

That said, the name will likely stay. Inertia drives me (now there's a paradox).

More soon...I promise.

Sunday, April 26, 2009

In Which Kanga Faces Facts

Fact #1: My maternity leave starts this Friday.
Fact #2: Nonetheless, I will be at work Saturday, since I have to take a day off tomorrow due to J's illness (my first ever for that reason, BTW, so that makes it easier to swallow).
Fact #3: We are having carpet installed Mon and Tues.
Fact #4: Alan asked the karmic gods to keep J healthy for only two key dates...when I went on a two-day getaway with a friend, and during the carpet installation. She has thus far managed to barf and fever her way through both. Thanks, karmic gods!
Fact #5: I could never. ever. ever. come up with the structure and stimulation for my kid(s) that most SAHMs do. By the time 4:00 rolls around, I'm out of ideas, folks. I like the challenge in the abstract, but it's a good thing I'm not a SAHM.
Fact #6: 15 days till Roo #2's arrival.

The above facts brought to you by Second-Baby Heebie-Jeebies International.

Thursday, March 5, 2009

In Which Kanga Realizes She Missed February

Nary a blog post in indicator of how work, home life and preparations for Roo #2 have all stepped up considerably.

Here we are in March, exactly two months from when my maternity leave begins. A co-worker sent me a fascinating article written by another librarian who was, shall we say, quite well-prepared for her own 12-week FMLA leave.

Though there's more than a whiff of OCD about this woman, she wrote a fantabulous manual of her job's duties, set up an FAQ to guide those who were assisting in her absence, and said in all seriousness that no work piled up in her absence.

I definitely plan to take snippets of her recommendations. The list of frequently asked co-worker questions seems valuable, as does a full list of database passwords, clear access to previously performed secondary research results, and a basic how-to for much of what I do each day.

In other news, we have named Roo #2! Thanks to all those who offered suggestions. We feel really good about our choice and are now "settling in" with it to allow it to attach itself to our second little girl.

Monday, January 19, 2009

In Which Kanga Tells Roo a Secret

Bathtime is a great time to share secrets. Today, while I was shampooing J's hair, I told her a short story.

"Tomorrow, baby, a man named Barack Obama is going to be inaugurated as our 44th President. He is an African-American, and he is a great man. This is important. But what's more important is that you are growing up in a really, really exciting time. I will always remember that I was with you on the eve of the day everything changed."

J laughed and pulled her foam letter "E" off the wet wall of the tub.

Monday, January 5, 2009

In Which Kanga and Roo Make Room For...

...a baby sister. Roo #2 will be a girl, as evidenced today by our ultrasound.

By the way, Portland residents -- if you can get Susannah the sonographer at NW Perinatal, do it. She doesn't, of course, promise specific boy or girl babies, but she's got a darn good prediction track record and an excellent bedside manner.

I had, of course, approximately 25 boys' names and only two or three girls' names that even piqued my interest. Any suggestions, esteemed readers?

(Suggestions of "Dewey" or "Marian" -- as in librarian -- will be duly ignored.)

Sunday, December 28, 2008

In Which Kanga Muses on the Year Past and Yet to Come

As we approach December 31, I wanted to jot down some of the ups and downs of 2008, while looking ahead to 2009.

2008 was first and foremost the Year of the Baby. J grew from a nine-week-old meatloaf-esque lump into a walking (running!), semi-talking, food-and-toy-throwing delight. She makes us laugh many times every day, and just smelling the top of her head is enough to strengthen me for the day.

Alan and I went from bumbling first-timers to generally relaxed parents of a toddler. Not yet required to shift to a man-to-man defense (foreshadowing!), we found that we could be good parents while still retaining time for the things we like to do for ourselves.

What could I have done better? I could have carved out more time to read and exercise. I probably could have focused on my work more. But what kind of tool lies on their deathbed saying, "Yeah, I wish I had worked more?"

As for reading and exercise, the busy nature of this year meant that Hood to Coast and most of my book groups' activities were laid aside in favor of family time. I picked up water aerobics, which I really enjoy and which are totally harder than you'd think.

Then, just as we were headed into the autumn home stretch, I'd given away all my maternity clothes and things seemed destined for the normalcy inherent to a single-child family...bang.

No pun intended.

Our second pregnancy has left us alternately shocked, surprised, angry, giddy, joyful, nervous, at each other's throats and, ultimately, eager and with a strange peace. The first few months will be difficult, and I am thankful in advance for the knowledge that I am unlikely to remember them clearly (if J's first months are any indicator). Beyond all else, I am completely confident in our ability to juggle two kidlets, love them with complete abandon, recognize their differences as people and hold them close to our hearts. I am also confident that, several years from now -- three? four? -- we will look back and say that this was the wonderful redirect that I believe it to be.

I am getting some kicks now; I'll take that as a sign that I should end here, wishing all four readers of Design Librarian -- and everyone else -- a peaceful and prosperous 2009.