Monday, January 19, 2009

In Which Kanga Tells Roo a Secret

Bathtime is a great time to share secrets. Today, while I was shampooing J's hair, I told her a short story.

"Tomorrow, baby, a man named Barack Obama is going to be inaugurated as our 44th President. He is an African-American, and he is a great man. This is important. But what's more important is that you are growing up in a really, really exciting time. I will always remember that I was with you on the eve of the day everything changed."

J laughed and pulled her foam letter "E" off the wet wall of the tub.

Monday, January 5, 2009

In Which Kanga and Roo Make Room For...

...a baby sister. Roo #2 will be a girl, as evidenced today by our ultrasound.

By the way, Portland residents -- if you can get Susannah the sonographer at NW Perinatal, do it. She doesn't, of course, promise specific boy or girl babies, but she's got a darn good prediction track record and an excellent bedside manner.

I had, of course, approximately 25 boys' names and only two or three girls' names that even piqued my interest. Any suggestions, esteemed readers?

(Suggestions of "Dewey" or "Marian" -- as in librarian -- will be duly ignored.)