Friday, March 21, 2008

In Which Owl Finds Equilibrium

I have been back at work two months today. This was probably the first week where I felt "in balance" -- figuring out what work needed to be done, getting material out the door, sitting in on kickoffs for new projects, brainstorming with a colleague, even having lunch with a good friend who used to work here.

There have been days of desolation (few), days of joy (also few), but mostly days of logistical hamster-wheel-turning. I feel like the sensation of walking and talking through gauze during my work day, which I experienced for weeks, is gradually lifting, to be replaced with the more typical day-to-day challenges I faced before I left on maternity leave.

What will change this, and re-tip the balance? I imagine that J's first week at daycare will shoot everything to hell, at least temporarily. But after that, I cautiously look forward to the "controlled chaos" I knew before my husband and I created a little controlled chaos-causer ourselves.

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