Sunday, April 26, 2009

In Which Kanga Faces Facts

Fact #1: My maternity leave starts this Friday.
Fact #2: Nonetheless, I will be at work Saturday, since I have to take a day off tomorrow due to J's illness (my first ever for that reason, BTW, so that makes it easier to swallow).
Fact #3: We are having carpet installed Mon and Tues.
Fact #4: Alan asked the karmic gods to keep J healthy for only two key dates...when I went on a two-day getaway with a friend, and during the carpet installation. She has thus far managed to barf and fever her way through both. Thanks, karmic gods!
Fact #5: I could never. ever. ever. come up with the structure and stimulation for my kid(s) that most SAHMs do. By the time 4:00 rolls around, I'm out of ideas, folks. I like the challenge in the abstract, but it's a good thing I'm not a SAHM.
Fact #6: 15 days till Roo #2's arrival.

The above facts brought to you by Second-Baby Heebie-Jeebies International.


Krees said...

I sometimes look with envy at how my friends plan regular outings with their kids. But I also realize that if I was a full-time SAHM, I would probably also do the regularly structured stimulation in large part for my *own* stimulation and sanity. Consider it an act of self-preservation and not necessarily an act of selfless super-momness.

Hope you have a good couple weeks off of work before the madness begins at home. I will be very eager to hear how things are going (and what it's like if you ever try to take both outside of the house at once). I'm all ears!

Hello said...

Hi Gretchen!

I just had a minute, went onto your blog and saw the good news. CONGRATULATIONS!!! That´s great and I am so excited for you. Hope you are doing well. When´s your due date?