Thursday, November 27, 2008

In Which Kanga and Roo Enjoy A Second Thanksgiving Together

My husband and I took J to visit friends today and eat Thanksgiving dinner. These are the same friends who hosted us last year, when J was only five weeks old. The food was once again fabulous, the conversation excellent, and this year the icing on the cake was a Pilgrim play (complete with "props") performed by the host and hostess' two children. Fall-down funny.

J did great. Unlike last week, when we had to rapidly leave a birthday party before the guest of honor even opened his gifts, tonight she was all smiles, friendly and playful.

I am determined to figure out the difference. It could have been the raw amount of people (fewer tonight), the noise level (a bit quieter), or the presence of Mom, Dad AND Gram. Regardless, it made for a pleasant and even relaxing evening.

Happy Thanksgiving!

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

In Which Roo and The New Roo Make Two

Although most readers of this (barely read) blog know this already, Roo II will make his or her much-vaunted appearance on or around May 15, 2009.

I am mildly curious as to how J will react. I say "mildly," because I pretty much KNOW what will go down.

I may sell tickets.