Thursday, December 31, 2009

In Which Kanga Gives 2009 A Gentle Push

...out the door.

This was a rough year. The (sole) highlight was the arrival of Roo #2, who delights us every day simply by being here.

Working in opposition to this joy were: ongoing work-related drama, the expected struggles that take place when adjusting your family to two new members in rapid succession, a true loss of social network (aside from my burgeoning Twitter and FB presence, ha), friends' health challenges and tragic losses, and -- for the first time in my life -- an unpleasant sense of ennui, aimlessness and impending failure.

Not doom, mind you. Just failure.

I'm carving out a plan to address this incipient haziness, this lack of focus, and I have to say I am excited for the tabula rasa that comes knocking at my door in two hours and 17 minutes.

Happy new year!

1 comment:

Sonia said...

Welcome to motherhood, Gretchen. That desciribes my life for the last six years to a 't'.