Friday, February 22, 2008

In Which Owl and Kanga Are Both Thankful

After needing about 48 hours to process the work challenges I wrote about before, I set up a plan of action (with some great help from my husband and a few co-workers). Writing stuff down really does help codify it and, in a way, de-fang it.

I'm glad I was able to wait the usual two days it takes me to work through things, instead of flying off the handle at work. You'd think after over thirty years I'd remember that when things go awry, I just. need. some. time. Often my immediate, emotional response changes drastically once I've had time to sit with things.

I've spent the past two days pretty excited about the opportunities at work, and even ready to address the problems.

And so it also was with some issues on the home front; after two days of percolation (not stewing...ah! there's a difference!) I swam back into happiness.

All of which makes me darn glad.

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